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You are here: Setup > Database Utilities > Create Archive/Training


Create Archive/Training

If you want to quickly view what your data looked like a few months ago, you should connect to an archive. You can also use archives for training purposes. When you create a training archive, users that are new to ChildPlus can add, change, and delete data as they are learning to use the system. However, since they are connected to an archive copy of your data, you do not need to worry about your live data being compromised.


Think of an archive as a snapshot of your database at a certain moment in time. Like a detailed picture, this snapshot is an exact replica of your data. And like a digital picture, you can open it on your computer and view it in ChildPlus.


The benefit of an archive is that you can pull it up from directly within ChildPlus and view this historical data on your computer without impacting the data that other users are looking at. Just remember, although you can make and save changes in an archive, these changes will only be saved in the archive, not your current data.


ChildPlus recommends that you create regular archives of your database. Each time you create an archive, ChildPlus makes a copy of your database. Keep this in mind because each archive you create takes up memory on your computer or server.


CollapsedCreating an Archive


CollapsedCreating a Training Database





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